A breastfeeding women atleast need 200 kcal a day with a healthy diet and food habits. Foods which are rich in iron, protein and calcium plays a important role in the food as well as Magnesium, VitaminB6, VitaminE, Thiamin, Zinc and Folate. Increase in Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains and Diary with Decrease of adding sugars, saturated fat and sodium. In lactation phase the nutrient needs increase can possibly be due to colostrum and breastmilk. fruits that helps in lactation are berries, apricot, dates, cantaloupe even honeydew.

PRECAUTIONS FOR BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS:- Avoid Drinks like Alcohol, Caffenie, Fishs and Food even Artificial sweeteners, Highly processed foods and cabbage, broccoli other “gassy” foods.

A healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers focuses on healthy choice of food which helps in the production of milk such as Lean meat, diary, beans, lentils,seafood,nuts and seeds. In vegetables mostly dark green and yellowish in colour. Include Whole grains,especially oats and barely,Legumes,Alfalfa sprouts even garlic. Drinking cow’s milk or fortified plant-based milk can also help in milk production as it provides essential nutrients like Calcium and Protein which also helps in overall health.

Do’s and Don’t for lactating mothers:- DON’Ts are:- First thing to make sure is that do not eat anything that can cause gas or constipation in you’re baby’s stomach. To much sugar can also contribute in weight gain even sabotage your effects to lose pregnancy weight. Limit you’re self with only 2 or 3 cups of caffeinated drinks. Caffeine in your breast milk might agitate your baby or interfere with you’re baby’s sleep. DO’S are:- Make a habit of drinking milk everyday your breastmilk may slightly have the taste of the food you eat. Include protein in your meal 2-3 times per day such as lentils, fish, eggs, diary, beans, nuts and seeds. Breastfeeding mother’s generally need more calorie to meet their nutritional needs. To be well-nourished, breastfeeding mother’s need 340 to 400 kcal more per day than the amount they consumed before pregnancy.

Proteins- like lean meats and chicken, eggs, seafood, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, and tofu is the best protein to consume and to include it in your diet as it also helps in milk production.

  • Research Evidence: Adding fenugreek to your diet (either as a tea or supplement) has been shown to increase milk production, especially in the early days of breastfeeding. Recommendation: Enjoy a cup of herbal tea (fenugreek, nettle, or fennel) daily.
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits are excellent breastfeeding foods, since nursing moms need more VitaminC than pregnant women.
  • Adequate hydration also is important for breast milk production. The amount of liquid you put into your body affects how much breast milk you can produce.

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